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More than $200 Million Recovered for Truck Accident Victims

Truck Accident Lawyer in Alameda

Have you or a loved one suffered serious injuries or damages in an Alameda truck accident? Do not wait to discuss your situation with a truck accident lawyer in Alameda. At The Truck Accident Guys, we help accident victims obtain the compensation they need and deserve when another person or entity’s negligence harms them. We may be able to help you seek the justice and compensation you need for recovery.

Cases Our Truck Accident Attorneys in Alameda Handle

Our truck accident lawyers in Alameda represent accident victims in many types of commercial truck accidents. For example, we often fight for accident victims who have suffered injuries in the following types of tractor-trailer, big rig, or 18-wheeler accidents:

Additionally, we handle cases involving nearly every type of truck, including, but not limited to:

Damaged car on road after a truck accident

Steps to Take After a Truck Accident in Alameda

What you do right after a truck accident can affect your truck accident claim. Our Alameda truck accident attorneys recommend taking the following steps in order to protect your legal rights:

  1. Call 9-1-1. Check for visible injuries and move to a safe location if possible. You should call 9-1-1 to report the accident to law enforcement. If anyone in your vehicle or the commercial truck needs medical attention, request it.
  2. Exchange information. Get contact and insurance information from the truck driver. You should also ask for their driver’s license number, employer name, and employer contact information.
  3. Document the truck accident. Take photos and videos of the accident scene. Take photos of any damage to your vehicle, visible injuries, the commercial truck, and its license plate. You should also document the road and weather conditions.
  4. Get witness information. Speak to anyone who witnessed the accident and request their names and contact details.
  5. Get a medical evaluation. You should seek medical attention as soon as possible after the truck accident. Your injuries may not be immediately apparent. Additionally, if you have suffered injuries, medical records can be strong evidence to support your potential accident claim.
  6. Report the accident to your insurance company. Notify your insurance company about the accident. However, you should only provide factual information about the accident. We do not recommend giving a detailed statement, discussing accident fault, or your injuries.
  7. Speak to an Alameda truck accident lawyer. You should consult with a truck accident lawyer in Alameda as soon as possible. An attorney can help you understand your legal rights, available legal options, and the best course of action to move forward.

How Can an Alameda Truck Accident Attorney Help Me?

Truck companies have considerable resources to defend themselves against accident claims. It is not in their best interest to pay accident victims for their damages, so they may try to settle quickly with low offers or shift accident fault away from them to minimize their liability. Having an attorney by your side after a truck accident increases your chances of obtaining fair compensation for your injuries and damages.

At The Truck Accident Guys, we have extensive experience dealing with truck companies, their attorneys, and their insurance companies. We know how to avoid the tactics they use to minimize liability or shift blame to accident victims. We know how to build strong truck accident cases for our clients in Alameda and have significant success negotiating out of court. More so, our team also prepares every case like it is going to trial. We are always ready to litigate on a client’s behalf if negotiations fail.

Alameda Office Location

1101 Marina Village Pkwy., #201
Alameda, CA 94501
Get Directions

(510) 300-4853

Open 24/7


Frequently Asked Questions

Determining liability in a truck accident can be complex, as multiple parties are generally responsible for a commercial truck’s safety and could be at fault. While the truck driver’s actions often contribute to or cause the accident, other entities, such as the trucking company, may also share responsibility.

In many cases, a thorough investigation is essential to determine all liable parties. If there is any uncertainty about who is responsible for your injuries and damages, discuss your situation with a truck accident attorney from our firm.

You may be able to seek various damages to compensate you for your losses. Generally, you can pursue monetary and non-monetary damages incurred due to the accident. For example, monetary damages may include past and future medical expenses, lost wages from missed work, loss of future earning capacity for long-term injuries, and property damages. Non-monetary losses may include pain and suffering damages like physical pain and emotional distress.

The specific amount and types of damages available to you depend on the unique circumstances of your case. An experienced truck accident lawyer can help you assess your damages and the potential value of your claim.

The time limit to file a truck accident lawsuit, known as the statute of limitations, varies by state. In most California truck accident cases, you have two years from the date of the accident to pursue legal action. If you miss this deadline, you may lose your right to seek compensation for your damages.

However, in rare cases, there can be exceptions to this deadline. It is essential to consult with an experienced truck accident attorney soon after an accident to ensure you do not miss critical deadlines and forfeit your right to compensation.

Schedule a Free Case Review With Our Alameda Truck Accident Lawyers

At The Truck Accident Guys, we believe you deserve justice when someone else’s negligence results in your damages. We offer a free, no-obligation case review to discuss your situation, evaluate your potential claim, and provide insight into your possible legal options and next steps.

Do not wait to learn about your options for moving forward. Call a truck accident attorney in Alameda from our firm at (833) 545-1644 today. You can also message us online, and we will contact you soon.

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#1 Truck Accident Injury Attorneys

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