CALL TODAY 833-545-1644


More than $200 Million Recovered for Truck Accident Victims

After suffering injuries in a truck accident in the DFW area, do not wait to contact a Dallas truck accident lawyer. Commercial truck accident victims often face devastating injuries, financial losses, and emotional suffering. When someone else’s negligence causes you harm, you deserve compensation and justice.

At The Truck Accident Guys Injury Attorneys, we represent truck accident victims throughout Dallas, the DFW area, and the state. Our truck accident lawyers are available to discuss your case 24/7.

We offer a free consultation to help you understand your legal options for moving forward and determine how we may be able to help. Call us at (833) 545-1644 or message us online.

Types of Truck Accident Cases We Handle in Dallas, Texas

We represent individuals and families who have suffered injuries in all types of commercial truck accident cases. For example, we often handle the following truck accident cases:

Our Dallas truck accident lawyers also have extensive experience and success negotiating and litigating all types of 18-wheeler, big rig, and tractor-trailer accidents, including:

How Are Truck Accident Cases Different From Car Accident Cases?

Truck accident cases are often more complex than car accident cases for several reasons. Examples of these reasons include, but are not limited to:

  • Serious damages. The significant size and weight of commercial trucks, which can weigh up to 80,000 pounds, mean that accidents involving these vehicles generally result in more severe injuries, financial losses, and emotional suffering to victims. Truck accident victims often face an extensive recovery period and may suffer life-long impacts from these accidents.
  • Trucking regulations. More than one party is responsible for the safety of a commercial truck and its driver. For example, the truck driver, trucking company, loading company, and maintenance company may all be responsible for complying with the complex federal and state regulations that govern the commercial trucking industry. When an accident happens, part of the investigation involves determining whether one or more parties failed to comply with these laws.
  • Multiple insurance policies. Generally, in car accident cases, the accident victim would pursue compensation from the at-fault driver’s insurance policy. However, as discussed above, it is not uncommon for more than one party to be responsible for a truck accident. In truck accident cases, a victim may have multiple avenues to pursue compensation by filing claims against each responsible party’s insurance policy.

Because of these complexities, you should work with a personal injury lawyer with significant experience and success in handling commercial truck accident cases. Our truck accident lawyers in Dallas have a proven track record of going up against trucking companies and their insurance companies.

Do not hesitate to discuss your case with us during a free case evaluation. We can help you understand your legal options and determine how we may be able to help you pursue justice and compensation.

Dallas Office

1910 Pacific Ave Suite 7055
Dallas, TX 75201

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(213) 322-1364

Open 24/7


Frequently Asked Questions

If someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing resulted in the loss of your loved one, you may have a valid wrongful death claim to seek compensation and justice. We recommend discussing your situation with a truck accident lawyer in Dallas from our firm.

We are here to answer your legal questions and help you understand your potential legal options during this difficult time. While financial compensation does not come close to making up for losing your loved one, it may ease your and your family’s financial stress and offer you the beginning of closure.

We do not recommend accepting a truck accident settlement until you consult with an experienced Dallas truck accident lawyer. After a commercial truck accident, the insurance company may offer you a quick settlement to close your case. However, the insurance company’s initial offer is usually low and may not cover your total losses.

When you sign a settlement agreement, you also waive your right to pursue any further legal action against the at-fault party or their insurance company regarding the accident. This means that if you discover later that your injuries are worse than initially thought and you need further medical treatment, you cannot request more money.

The insurance company’s offer should account for past and future financial and non-financial losses. For example, it should cover your past and future medical bills, lost wages, future lost income, and pain and suffering from the accident.

Generally, right after an accident, you do not know the full extent of your damages and their long-term impact on your life. An experienced Dallas truck accident attorney can ensure you do not accept a settlement that is less than you need and fight for the compensation you deserve.

Our team does not charge any upfront fees and works on a contingency fee basis. If we can help you with your case, we will handle all of the upfront costs. Our payment is dependent upon winning your case through a fair settlement or at trial.

If we win your case, we generally receive an agreed-upon percentage of the settlement or judgment. We discuss the fee agreement before we take any case. If we are unsuccessful, you owe us nothing for our services.

Contact Our Dallas Truck Accident Attorneys for a Free Case Review

Have you or a loved one suffered severe injuries and damages in a DFW truck accident? If so, do not wait to contact a Dallas truck accident lawyer from our firm about your case. You may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other losses.

At The Truck Accident Guys Injury Attorneys, we have recovered more than $200 million on behalf of our clients. We may be able to help you pursue compensation and justice, too. Call us at (833) 545-1644 or message us online to schedule a free case evaluation.

Work With Dallas

#1 Truck Accident Injury Attorneys

We’ve recovered millions for our clients. Send us a message about your case now!