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More than $200 Million Recovered for Truck Accident Victims

Oakland Truck Accident Lawyer

Truck accidents often result in devastating consequences for victims. Concerns about the future can be overwhelming, especially when recovering from injuries. Who is responsible for your medical bills? What about the wages you have lost from missing work? If you have been injured in a commercial truck accident, do not wait to discuss your legal options with an Oakland truck accident lawyer from our firm.

At The Truck Accident Guys Injury Attorneys, our dedicated team of Oakland truck accident attorneys understands that the road to recovery can be long and challenging. We fight to hold negligent truck drivers and companies accountable. When you work with us, we shoulder the legal burden so you can focus on what matters – your recovery. 

We offer a free, no-risk consultation to discuss what happened, your options for moving forward, and how we may be able to help. Call our Oakland office at (833) 545-1644, or message us online to schedule yours. We are available 24/7 to take your call.

Types of Truck Accident Cases We Handle in Oakland

Our Oakland truck accident lawyers have significant experience handling a wide range of commercial truck accidents, including:

No matter your situation, our team has likely handled similar cases. We provide a free case review to help you understand your legal options for recovery and determine how we may be able to help.

What to Do After an Oakland Truck Accident

A truck accident can be a traumatic and overwhelming experience. However, taking certain steps after a crash can be critical for your health and maximizing your truck accident claim. Our truck accident lawyers in Oakland recommend taking the following steps:

  1. Prioritize your safety. If possible and safe, move your vehicle out of traffic to prevent further accidents. Check yourself and any passengers for injuries. If you can, check on the truck driver and any other involved parties. If anyone is injured, call 9-1-1 and request medical attention immediately.
  2. Report the accident. Even if the accident seems minor, you should always call 9-1-1 to report the accident to law enforcement.
  3. Exchange information. Get the truck driver’s name, contact information, driver’s license number, and insurance details. You should also request the name and contact information of their employer.
  4. Get witness information. If there are any witnesses, request their names and contact information.
  5. Gather evidence. Take pictures of the accident scene, including your vehicle and the commercial truck or semi-truck involved. You should also take pictures of any visible injuries, road, and weather conditions.
  6. Seek medical attention. Even if you feel okay, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible after the crash. Some injuries, especially soft-tissue injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and internal injuries, may not present symptoms immediately but can have severe consequences if left untreated.
  7. Consult with a lawyer. Did the truck driver or another party cause the accident? If so, you have the legal right to file a truck accident claim for your losses. However, truck accident cases are complex, and trucking companies try to avoid paying out claims. Learn about your legal options and next steps for pursuing compensation during a free consultation.

Oakland Office Location

1203 Preservation Park Way, Suite 300, Oakland, CA 94612

Get Directions

(510) 937-3606

Open 24/7


Frequently Asked Questions

Whether you have an experienced truck accident lawyer on your side can be the difference in obtaining the compensation you need after a serious accident. Truck accidents are complex. Federal and state regulations govern them, so they often involve multiple parties. Additionally, they typically result in severe damages because of the size and weight of commercial trucks.

More so, trucking companies and their insurers have significant resources to minimize liability, shift blame, and even outright deny claims. A skilled truck accident attorney in Oakland can ensure your rights are protected, negotiate for maximum compensation on your behalf, and fight for you in court if needed.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck accident in Oakland, you may be entitled to several types of compensation. Generally, you may be able to pursue compensation for financial, physical, and emotional losses incurred from the accident. For example, these damages may include past and future medical expenses, lost wages, property damages, physical pain, and emotional suffering.

When fatalities occur, family members may pursue wrongful death damages. Wrongful death damages may include funeral and burial expenses, loss of financial support, and loss of consortium and support. An experienced Oakland truck accident lawyer from our firm can help you determine what types of compensation may be available.

Truck accidents often result in more severe damages and injuries due to the size and weight of commercial trucks compared to regular passenger vehicles. Therefore, medical expenses, lost wages, and other losses are generally higher in truck accidents. Additionally, truck companies have larger insurance policies than individual drivers, which can mean larger settlements or awards in truck accident cases.

Even so, there is not a one-size-fits-all value for an Oakland truck accident case. Your case’s worth is dependent on many factors. For example, the severity and extent of your damages, accident liability, available insurance coverage, and the strength of evidence can affect the value of your case. Do not hesitate to schedule a free case review with us. We can evaluate your case and give you a better idea of how much your case may be worth.

Contact an Oakland Truck Accident Attorney From Our Firm Today

At The Truck Accident Guys Injury Attorneys, we have successfully recovered more than $200 million on behalf of our clients in settlements and verdicts. If you have suffered serious injuries in a truck accident case, do not wait to learn about your legal options for seeking compensation.

Schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with our Oakland truck accident lawyers to discuss your situation. We can answer your legal questions and help you understand your best options for moving forward. Call our Oakland office at (833) 545-1644. You can also contact us online, and we will contact you soon.

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#1 Truck Accident Injury Attorneys

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