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More than $200 Million Recovered for Truck Accident Victims

Truck Accident Lawyer in Los Angeles

Commercial truck accidents can cause some of the most devastating accidents. Victims often face financial devastation due to significant injuries, time away from work, and mounting medical bills. When someone else’s wrongdoing harms you, you deserve justice for your damages. If you have been injured in a recent truck accident, do not wait to contact a truck accident lawyer in Los Angeles.

At The Truck Accident Guys, we advocate for truck accident victims throughout LA, helping them obtain the financial compensation they need and deserve after an accident.

How We Help Truck Accident Victims

Securing justice after a truck accident can be complex for many reasons. The damages are generally significant due to the size of commercial trucks. Liability may be unclear because multiple parties are typically responsible for the safety of a commercial truck.

Additionally, trucking companies have considerable resources to defend themselves against accident claims. They may even try to shift blame to accident victims to minimize their liability.

At The Truck Accident Guys, we understand the complexities of truck accident cases, from determining liability to handling insurance negotiations. We have significant experience and success against large trucking companies and their insurance companies. Our Los Angeles truck accident lawyers have secured more than $200 million in settlements and verdicts on behalf of our clients in a wide range of accident cases.

We handle all types of truck accident cases, including but not limited to:

What to Do After a Los Angeles Truck Accident

Taking the right steps after a truck accident in Los Angeles can help or hurt your potential truck accident claim. Our truck accident lawyers in Los Angeles recommend taking the following steps to protect yourself:

  1. Check yourself for any visible injuries. If you feel okay, check on any passengers and other parties involved in the accident.
  2. Call 9-1-1 to report the accident and request emergency medical attention if anyone needs it.
  3. Collect information from the truck driver and any other involved parties. Get the truck driver’s name, contact information, driver’s license number, and insurance information.
  4. Take photos of the accident scene, including visible injuries, interior and exterior damage to your vehicle, and the commercial truck.
  5. Document details of the accident, including location, time of day, any road signs, weather conditions, and road conditions.
  6. Get witness information if there are any witnesses to the crash, including their names and contact information.
  7. Get a medical evaluation as soon as possible after the accident to check for injuries and establish evidence linking your injuries to the crash.
  8. Contact your insurance company to report the accident.
  9. Consult a truck accident lawyer in Los Angeles to discuss your legal rights and potential options for recovery.

Los Angeles Office

800 W. 6th Street, #800
Los Angeles, CA 90017

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(310) 623-9032

Open 24/7

We Fight for Truck Accident Victims Near Los Angeles

Our truck accident law firm represents individuals and their families in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. Some of the cities we serve include, but are not limited to:

If you are not based near Los Angeles, we have office locations across California, Nevada, and Texas. Find an office near you.


Frequently Asked Questions

In a truck accident claim, you may pursue compensation for various damages. These damages may include medical expenses, both current and future, lost wages due to time off work, pain and suffering, and property damages. The specific amount and types of compensation you can pursue vary based on the unique circumstances of the accident. An experienced truck accident lawyer can assess your situation during a free, no-obligation consultation to determine the viability of your claim. If you have a viable claim, an attorney can help you evaluate the full extent of your damages and the value of your claim.

There is no straightforward answer to this question. The worth of your truck accident claim can vary based on numerous factors unique to your case. For example, factors that can affect your claim’s value include the severity of injuries sustained, the extent of damages, accident fault, and insurance policy limits. Consider discussing your unique situation with a Los Angeles truck accident attorney from our firm. We may be able to give you a better idea of the damages you may be able to recover the potential value of your claim.

Even if you were partially responsible for the truck accident, you could still recover compensation for your damages. California is a pure comparative negligence state. Under this rule, you can still seek compensation even if you are 99 percent at fault for the accident.

However, the compensation you can recover may be reduced by the percentage of fault attributed to you. For example, suppose your total damages are $100,000. However, you were 20 percent responsible for the crash. In this example, your compensation would be reduced by $20,000, leaving you with $80,000.

Get a Free Case Review From Our Los Angeles Truck Accident Attorneys

Have you or a loved one recently suffered serious injuries in a commercial truck accident in Los Angeles or the surrounding areas? If so, do not wait to learn about your legal options for pursuing financial compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and other losses.

Contact The Truck Accident Guys for a free, no-obligation case evaluation. We are here to answer your legal questions and determine how we can help you on your road to recovery. Call our Los Angeles office at (833) 545-1644 today. You can also message us online, and we will contact you soon.

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#1 Truck Accident Injury Attorneys

We’ve recovered millions for our clients. Send us a message about your case now!